Teacher Spotlight: Kiera O'Brien
CalPac is excited for you to meet another one of our new teachers here: Kiera O'Brien
1. How long have you been at CalPac? 5 months
2. What classes do you teach? English 1 and English 4
3. What college did you attend? New York University
4. What inspired you to be a teacher? I love helping your people to reach their potential and I love my subject area- Literature. It is so cool to expose young people to great literature and have the privilege to read their writing.
5. What was your favorite subject in middle school or high school and why? I loved English, but I think I also loved Biology.
6. What is your favorite candy? Snickers, for sure is my favorite, but I also eat a lot of Reese's and am really picky about which size.
7. What is your favorite place that you have traveled to? I think the city that I enjoyed the most was Berlin, but I also love the American West and want to explore a lot more out here.
8. What do you like to do in your spare time? I like to watch movies, read news, go to the rock gym, walk in my neighborhood.
9. What advice would you give yourself when you were in high school? This is a great question. I actually think it would be to eat well, enjoy friends as much as possible, and work steadily in school without stressing.
10. What is your favorite book or author? One of my very favorites in high school was The Autobiography of Malcolm X. My favorite author is probably Ian McEwan, a British novelist.
11. What is the most rewarding thing about being an educator? Everything is rewarding about being an educator, but helping kids who need help in whatever way is number one!