Family Expectations

CalPac offers two programs to offer students a personalized educational experience.  In both models, students must:

  • Engage in an educational activity that supports his/her personalized learning plan on each day that school is in session. Learning can take place in a variety of ways (please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook for acceptable attendance).
  • Expect to spend an average of one hour per day in each subject area. Actual time may vary depending on the ability level of the student and the assignments covered each day/week.
  • Submit quality work, showing evidence of progress, subject mastery and competency. 
  • Maintain acceptable behavior in online sessions, vendor classes or lessons.
  • Correspond with a respectful tone in email, in person, and on the phone.

Parents play a pivotal role in their child’s education no matter what.  In each program and at different ages, the parent role varies slightly.

Independent Home Study (TK-12)

Parents are the primary teacher and deliver daily instruction with the teacher approved curriculum.  The guidance and support of the Teacher Facilitator (TF) helps parents to develop a personalized learning plan and assess the ongoing learning and development of the student at the Learning Period Meetings that occur at least every 20 school days.

Watch our video to learn more about our expectations for independent home study parents and students.

Online Elementary (TK-6)

Parents are the primary teacher and delivery daily instruction using the prescribed online grade level curriculum.  The online curriculum follows state standards and includes everything from videos to projects and assessments. Many assessments are computer graded, providing the student and parent instant feedback and progress monitoring.  Credentialed homeroom teachers check in weekly to support the parent and student with at-home learning.

Watch our video to learn more about our expectations for online elementary school parents and students.

Online Middle School (7-8)

Parents are are a key member of the student's educational team and need to provide support throughout the week to make sure your child is meeting all daily school requirements of an independent learner. Students will communicate directly with teachers through email, phone, and the online classroom.  Students will attend weekly online “live” class sessions with their classmates and begin to take more ownership of their schoolwork.  Parents of middle school students should keep a close watch on student grades and attendance through the parent portal and remain in frequent contact with teachers to ensure student success.

Watch our video to learn more about our expectations for online middle school parents and students.

Online High School (9-12)

Parents are a facilitator of their child’s education, working with school staff to ensure that students are on track.  Students should be able to complete work independently, taking more responsibility as they move through high school and become prepared for postsecondary plans: college or career.  Parents are partners with the school to hold students accountable and help them successfully navigate high school and preparation for their future.

Watch our video to learn more about our expectations for online high school students and parents.